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10 Tips for Core Web Vitals Everyone Should be Aware of!

  • #core web vitals
  • #speed
  • #website
Read time: 3 minutes

A website is the backbone of any company. It's a way to showcase your product, provide information about your business and connect with your customers. There are many factors that go into having a successful website. A few of these include security, speed, page load time, content length and more. Our blog post will focus on web vitals that are most relevant for every organization. Here are 10 tips for core web vitals everyone should be aware of!


An important factor when it comes to your website is security. Your site should be protected with a secure connection. This means that the information that you enter will not be leaked and any sensitive data will be encrypted. The easiest way for someone to hack your website is through email phishing scams, social engineering or through a virus once they've gained access to your site. These are all ways hackers can infiltrate your site and take over it. The best way to protect yourself from these threats is by implementing SSL certificates on any pages of your site which contain sensitive data such as credit card information or other personal information.

Speed is Important🔗

It is essential to have a website that loads quickly. Google penalizes websites that take too long to load and ranks them lower in search engine results. Websites with lower rankings are less likely to get traffic, which can be detrimental to business. One of the best ways to increase site speed is to use a Content Delivery Network (CDN). A CDN delivers cached content from servers around the world where the content is closer to your visitor. This means pages will load faster because it's coming directly from the server. Another way you can increase page speed is by using image compression services, like Smushit, which will reduce image file size without compromising on quality.

Readability and Structure🔗

Readability is important because people are more likely to stay on a website if they find it easy to read. Poor readability can cause visitors to bounce or leave prematurely before completing their desired task or goal, such as downloading an eBook or filling out a contact form. One of the easiest ways for your visitors to determine how readable your content is, is by looking at font size and font colour contrasts. Visitors want content that's easy and pleasant to read so make sure the text is large enough that they can see from across the room and use colours that contrast well against each other on a white background (like black text on a white background). Internal linking: Internal linking helps guide users through your site so they know what else is available and what pages may be relevant for them.

Page Load Time🔗

Page load time is one of the most important factors in a website’s success. If people are frustrated with your site because it takes too long to load, they'll leave or go to a competitor's site instead. There are many ways you can increase page load time without making significant changes to your site.

  1. Minimize the number of plugins used on your site. WordPress has lots of great plugins that can help you with tasks like SEO, security, and contact forms, but each plugin adds an extra burden on the back-end and slows down your site.
  2. Optimize photos by reducing their size and saving them in a lower resolution; this will decrease loading times for pages that have images on them.
  3. Use Google Fonts so that you don't need to download fonts from other sites; this will also slow down page load times as well as help make sure all users have access to font sizes they need.
  4. Remove unnecessary scripts like social media widgets and ads from outside sources; these will only bog down web performance if they're not customized for your site specifically.


Many people disagree about the length of a web page. It's been argued that shorter pages are better because they are easier to read and digest. However, there are many ways to make a short page long. This is why content length is not a determining factor in how well your website performs. However, content length can be important if you're trying to rank on search engines like Google or Yahoo. If you're publishing blog posts or running an e-commerce site, then the length of your content could be the deciding factor in how high your site ranks on search engines. The optimal word count for search engine optimization (SEO) purposes is 400-550 words per post, but it isn't uncommon to see blog posts with 500-600 words per post. As long as you have quality content, then you're good to go!

Freshness of Content🔗

Fresh content is a key feature for any website. You can automate the process of updating your site with a Content Management System (CMS) such as WordPress or Drupal. With these systems, you can decide what information needs to be updated, when it needs to happen and how frequently it should be done. This will make your website fresh with up-to-date information.

Well-Designed Website🔗

The first web vital is a well-designed website. The design of your website is one of the most important aspects. Why? Because it'll determine how your visitors react to it. You want a design that grabs their attention and does not bore them. There are many professional designers out there who can help you create an eye-catching design for your website.

Mobile website🔗

One of the most important factors in website optimization is your mobile website. With so many people accessing the internet through their phones, it's crucial to have a mobile-friendly site. Not only will a mobile website ensure that you're accessible to your customers but it will also help you rank higher on Google search results. If you're not sure how to make your website mobile-friendly, contact our expert graphic design team for assistance!

Social Media Integration🔗

Social media integration is an integral part of your web design. This will amplify the effect of your website on social media platforms. Your site should be easy to share, and it should have a call-to-action button. If you're going to integrate social media, make sure you align with the tone of your brand.


If you’re looking to rank higher in search engines, or simply get more traffic to your website, these 10 tips should be enough to get you started. The first step is always to make sure your website is secure, and that your page load time is fast. Speed is king when it comes to the internet, and it’s best to be aware of how your website loads. Consider adding a content length indicator to your website so that your visitors can see how much content they’ll have access to before they click. Evaluate the design of your website and make sure it’s meeting all current web standards. If your site doesn’t look good, it won’t be easy for people to stay on it for very long. Finally, if you want to get the most out of your site, consider integrating social media so that visitors can share your content on their profiles and get your brand in front of more people. These 10 tips will help improve the experience of your visitors and increase the chances of them returning.