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Central Snooker Club

  • #Vercel
  • #NextJS
  • #Contentful
Read time: 1 minutes
Central Snooker Club provides a relaxing environment for all to enjoy, combined with great service, high-quality tables and somewhere where players young and old, novice or professional, can get involved with the great game of snooker.🔗

The Central Snooker Club website was developed using cutting-edge technology, leveraging the power of NextJS 13, a renowned React framework known for its performance and scalability. The website's codebase is meticulously crafted with TypeScript, a strongly-typed JavaScript superset, ensuring enhanced code quality and maintainability. The user interface is elegantly styled with Tailwind CSS, a utility-first CSS framework that promotes rapid development and design consistency.

A key aspect of the website's architecture is the utilization of the new app folder feature introduced in NextJS 13. This feature significantly streamlines routing and data fetching, resulting in a seamless and responsive user experience.

Furthermore, the website has been meticulously optimized for exceptional performance. One notable optimization is the integration of Google Analytics using Partytown. Partytown is a clever library that offloads third-party scripts to a web worker, preventing them from blocking the main thread and significantly improving page load times. This strategic implementation not only enhances user experience but also contributes to improved search engine optimization (SEO), as Google considers page speed a crucial ranking factor.